Sorry to disappoint you this lovely Halloween season…. But I am not giving away hot cider and taking you on a ghost tour. But giving you some CIDR notation specifics and a few ports to inspect and make sure there aren’t any ghosts creeping in your network….
What is a port?
From Cloudflare, “A port is a virtual point where network connections start and end. Ports are software-based and managed by a computer’s operating system. Each port is associated with a specific process or service.” In other words, ports are numbered services where specific processes occur on your machine and said port number can be used to identify what types of actions are taking place within the network that you are observing.
Common Ports of Interest
- 21/tcp FTP
- 22/tcp SSH
- 23/tcp Telnet
- 25/tcp SMTP
- 49/tcp TACACS
- 53/udp DNS
- 67/udp DHCP
- 68/udp DHCP
- 69/udp TFTP
- 80/tcp HTTP
- 88/tcp Kerberos
- 110/tcp POP3
- 111/tcp RPC
- 123/udp NTP
- 135/tcp Windows RPC
- 137/tcp NetBIOS
- 138/tcp NetBIOS
- 139/tcp SMB
- 143/tcp IMAP
- 161/udp SNMP
- 179/tcp BGP
- 201/tcp AppleTalk
- 389/tcp LDAP
- 443/tcp HTTPS
- 445/tcp SMB
- 500/udp ISAKMP
- 514/tcp Syslog
- 520/tcp RIP
- 546/tcp DHCPv6
- 547/tcp DHCPv6
- 587/tcp SMTP
- 902/tcp VMWare
- 1080/tcp Socks Proxy
- 1194/tcp VPN
- 1433/tcp MS-SQL
- 1434/tcp MS-SQL
- 1521/tcp Oracle SQL
- 1629/tcp DameWare
- 2049/tcp NFS
- 3128/tcp Squid Proxy
- 3306/tcp MySQL
- 3389/tcp RDP
- 5060/tcp SIP
- 5222/tcp Jabber
- 5432/tcp Postgres
- 5666/tcp Nagios
- 5900/tcp VNC
- 6000/tcp X11
- 6129/tcp DameWare
- 6667/tcp IRC
- 9001/tcp Tor
- 9001/tcp HSQL
- 9090/tcp Openfire
- 9091/tcp Openfire
- 9100/tcp Jet Direct
An explanation for each and every one of these ports may come on a later post. I am feeling rather ghoulish. A few other key things to “pivot” from and learn:
CIA Triad
What is the CIA Triad? Sounds “SPOOKY” (I’ve lost myself in irony) and why is it so important? Tech Target sums it up pretty well on the preceding hyperlink, but in short, the C is for Confidentiality, the I for Integrity, the A for Availability, and they all form a model that guides policy and management for information security within an organization. Your information needs to have the ability to be private or secure depending on how sensitive it is to the safety of your organization, it needs to be legitimate, and it needs to be readily available for those who need it. It defeats the purpose of doing your organization any good if it’s secure but nobody, not even those who need it most, cannot access their information.
Hot Apple CIDR Notation
CIassless inter-Domain Routing Notation. CIDR pronounced “cider” is just so much more fun to say, isn’t it? It is essentially just a method for IP address allocation and IP routing. It alleviates the issue of addressing space that the concept of network classes had been used to solve prior. From Ionos, “A mask is placed over an IP address and creates a sub network: a network that is subordinate to the internet. The subnet mask signals to the router which part of the IP address is assigned to the hosts (the individual participants of the network) and which determines the network.
CIDR | Mask | Host Count
/31 | .255.255.254 | 1
/30 || 2
/29 | | 6
/28 | | 14
/27 | | 30
/26 | | 62
/25 | | 126
/24 | | 254
/23 | | 510
/22 | | 1022
/21 | | 2046
/20 | | 4094
/19 | | 8190
/18 | | 16382
/17 | | 32766
/16 | | 65534
/15 | | 131070
/14 | | 262142
/13 | | 524286
/12 | | 1048574
/11 | | 2097150
/10 | | 4194302
/9 | | 8388606
/8 | | 16777214
That’s all I have time for today, guys. I may come back and add more or follow up in another post.